The PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAM ,from 5th june  until today ,is doing various sessions  in which they visit 8 secondary schools  in southern province by aiming to update the thoughts and intelligence of  about 744 students( grouped in one anti- HIV/AIDS  clubs per school ) on HIV/AIDS (etiology, transmission modes ,prevention ,the ARVs-drugs) and  properly use of condom (condom demonstration )and contraceptives uses because they meet a big number of non educated youths when they return in their villages during holidays ,this also target their parents ,their families .By the end the demographic rate  and number of HIV/AIDS  patient  will be reduced through this kind of sharing of knowledge .

Rwanda Youth Organization for Development (RYOD) members participated in the 29th international AIDS candlelight memorial day in which the theme was “ Promoting health and dignity together “. The match started at 2:00 PM in which 14 secondary schools and 8 anti- HIV/AIDS clubs were invited.

 Rwanda Biomedical Center coordinator, National university of Rwanda, DUSHISHOZE center, PSI, police commander  and other stake holders were represented.

Various persons took a speech, and they emphasized on how HIV/AIDS increases the rate of disability and reduces the economy of the country.

Candles were illuminated in order to remember those who died due to AIDS as the aim of the day stated it .it was a big day of memories and sharing of testimonies .

The ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM, as it focuses on water, hygiene and sanitation, rural and city development, biodiversity and conservation, its members participated in umuganda last Saturday at Rusatira sector southern province where they thought the population on the Environment protection by plant many tries which generate the money in the same time like apples, avocadoes and mangoes. The detailed presentation on the importance of terraces was given by agricultural agronomist. They also emphasized on water pollution and the side effects of using dirty water.